What legislation is the TRO being made under?

    The waiting, loading and parking alterations are being proposed under section 1 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 (RTRA 1984) which allows GCC to take action to ‘preserve or improve the amenities of the area through which the road runs’.

    Zone J - What are the new Waiting, Loading and Parking Restrictions?

    Zone J will be extended and will cover the following roads:

    • Alexandra Road
    • Henry Road
    • Seabroke Road
    • Alvin Street
    • Henry Street
    • Sebert Street
    • Black Dog Way
    • Hillfield Court Road
    • Serlo Road
    • Cheltenham Road
    • Hinton Road
    • Sherborne Street
    • Clarence Row
    • Honyatt Road
    • Skinner Street
    • Columbia Close
    • Kenilworth Avenue
    • St Catherine Street
    • Cooks Orchard
    • Kingsholm Road
    • St Mark Street
    • Deans Row
    • Kingsholm Square
    • Swan Road
    • Deans Terrace
    • Lansdown Road
    • Sweetbriar Street
    • Deans Walk
    • London Road
    • Union Street
    • Deans Way
    • Malvern Road
    • Vine Terrace
    • Denmark Road
    • Michaelmas Court
    • Worcester Parade
    • Edwy Parade
    • North Road
    • Worcester Street
    • Guinea Street
    • Oxford Road

    • Hampton Court
    • Oxford Street

    • Heathville Road
    • Sandhurst Road

    Existing Zone J

    If you already have a permit for Zone J, there will be no change and you will not be required to buy a new one.

    Proposed Zone J

    The new or amended waiting, loading and parking restrictions within Zone J are as listed below. Some roads are listed multiple times as bays along the road may have different time limits. If a road is not listed, there are no changes to the existing restrictions:

    Permit Parking Area – Zone J Permit Holders Only EXCEPT for Limited Waiting within Specified Hours No Return with Specified Hours in Marked Bays 8am-7pm:

    Permit Parking Areas allow valid permit or visitor voucher holders to park anywhere in the road and for any length of time. Non-permit holders are only able to park in limited waiting marked bays for specified hours shown on signs. Permit or visitor voucher holders are also allowed to park in these bays and are not limited by the time shown on signs. 

    The roads included in Zone J as a new PPA with the length of time for limited waiting are listed below:

    2 Hours No Return 2 Hours

    Deans Row, Deans Terrace, Deans Way, Heathville Road, Hillfield Court Road and Kingsholm Square.

    3 Hours No Return 3 HoursSebert Street.
    4 Hours No Return 4 Hours

    Cooks Orchard, Hampton Court, Heathville Road, Hinton Road, Lansdown Road, Malvern Road, Michaelmas Court, North Road and Sandhurst Road.

    Shared Use Bays - Zone J Permit Holders OR Limited Waiting within Specified Hours No Return within Specified Hours 8am-7pm

    Shared use bays mean that both permit and non-permit holders can park there. However, between 8am-7pm, non-permit holders can only park for a specified number of hours. Valid permit or visitor voucher holders are exempt from the time limit specified. New or amended shared use bays for Zone J are listed below, categorised by the specified limiting waiting time. Some roads are listed multiple times as bays along the road may have different wait limits.

    Restrictions Roads
    No Limited Waiting (Permit Holders Only)Denmark Road
    1 Hour No Return 1 HourSerlo Road and St Catherine Street.
    2 Hours No Return 2 HoursAlexandra Road, Road From Alvin Street To Near County Records Office Entrance, Denmark Road, Edwy Parade, Henry Road, Henry Street, Honyatt Road, Oxford Road, Oxford Street and St Catherine Street.
    3 Hours No Return 3 HoursSherborne Street, Sweetbriar Street, Union Street and Vine Terrace
    4 Hours No Return 4 HoursDenmark Road and Seabroke Road.

    NHS Gloucestershire Royal Hospital Permit Holders Monday - Friday 8am-7pm and Permit Holders Zone J Saturday – Sunday 8am-7pm or 4 hours Limited Waiting, No Return 4 hours
    Hillfield Court Road and Lansdown Road.
    No Waiting at Any Time

     Alexandra Road, Cooks Orchard, Deans Way, Denmark Road, Guinea Street, Heathville Road, Henry Road, Henry Street, Hillfield Court Road, Honyatt Road, Lansdown Road, Oxford Road, Sebert Street, Sherborne Street and Sweetbriar Street.

    No Waiting 8am-7pm

    Deans Way, Denmark Road, Honyatt Road, Lansdown Road, Seabroke Road and St Catherine Street.

    No Stopping on Entrance Marking Mon-Fri 8.30am-9am and 2.45pm-3.30pmSweetbriar Street

    NHS Gloucestershire Royal Hospital Permits

    NHS staff will be able to purchase parking permits. Holders of these permits will be able to park in bays that are marked as NHS permit bays and are exempt from the time limit. 

    In Zone J, these will be located on Hillfield Court Road and Lansdown Road.

    Overview of Proposed Zone J

    Zone H - What are the new Waiting, Loading and Parking Restrictions?

    Zone H will be extended and will cover the following roads:

    • Claremont Road
    • Hyde Lane
    • Newland Street
    • Great Western Road
    • Mayhill Way
    • Oxford Terrace
    • Horton Road
    • Myers Road

    Existing Zone H

    If you already have a permit for Zone H, there will be no change and you will not be required to buy a new one. 

    Proposed Zone H

    The new or amended waiting, loading and parking restrictions within Zone H are as listed below. Some roads are listed multiple times as bays along the road may have different time limits. If a road is not listed, there are no changes to the existing restrictions:

    Shared Use Bays - Zone H Permit Holders OR Limited Waiting within Specified Hours No Return within Specified Hours 8am-7pm

    Shared use bays mean that both permit and non-permit holders can park there. However, between 8am-7pm, non-permit holders can only park for a specified number of hours. Valid permit or visitor voucher holders are exempt from the time limit specified. New or amended shared use bays for Zone H are listed below, categorised by the specified limiting waiting time. Some roads are listed multiple times as bays along the road may have different wait limits.

    No Limited Waiting (Permit Holders Only)

    Horton Road and Hyde Lane

    1 Hour No Return 1 Hour
    Claremont Road and Horton Road
    4 Hours No Return 4 Hours
    Horton Road
    NHS Gloucestershire Royal Hospital Permit Holders Monday - Friday 8am-7pm and Permit Holders Zone H Saturday - Sunday 8am-7pm or 4 hours Limited Waiting, No Return 4 hoursMayhill Way and Myers Road

    Zone H Waiting and Loading Restrictions

    New or amended waiting and loading restrictions are listed below for Zone H. Some roads may be listed for multiple waiting and loading restrictions.

    No Waiting at Any Time

    Claremont Road, Horton Road, Mayhill Way and Newland Street.

    No Waiting 8am-7pm
    Horton Road.
    No Waiting At Any Time / No Loading 8am-9.30am And 2.30pm-4pm

    Horton Road and Mayhill Way.

    No Waiting Mon-Fri 8am-6.30pm
    Horton Road.

    NHS Gloucestershire Royal Hospital Permits

    In Zone H, NHS bays will be available on Mayhill Way and Myers Road. 

    Overview of Proposed Zone H

    What are the new restrictions outside of Zones J and H?

    No Waiting at Any TimeEstcourt Road and Estcourt Service Road

    There will also be a free parking place along Estcourt Road Service Road subject to parking terms and conditions. An unrestricted parking place is proposed by the playing fields, its aim is to better manage parking in this section, so that the area is utilised only for parking within the bay markings.

    What are the proposed modifications?

    All the responses to the consultation have now been carefully analysed and considered.

    The consultation highlighted the need for minor changes to the scheme which are set out in detail below.
    Modifications will cover the following roads:

    Road Name 


    Various RoadsModify all NHS Permit Bays from 8am-7pm to NHS Permits Mon-Fri 8am-7pm & Sat & Sun shared use bay (Zone J/H Permit Holders or Limited Waiting 4 hours)

    Alexandra Road

    No waiting restriction at any time was removed outside no. 25 &27 and the parking bay was extended by 10m.

    Lansdown Road 

    One of the NHS bays to the east, adjacent to the playing fields has been changed to a shared use bay (Zone J Permit Holders or Limited Waiting 4 hours).

    Denmark Road 

    No waiting at any time restriction extended by 8m and bay reduced outside no. 28 Denmark Road.

    Henry Street 

    No waiting at any time restriction reduced by 3m and bay extended outside no. 32.

    North Road 

    Shared use bay shortened by 4.5m at the southern end of the road adjacent to 41 Lansdown Road.

    Newland Street

    No waiting at any time restriction changes to Shared Use Zone H Permits or 1 hour Limited waiting, No Return 1 hour for a length of 28m.

    Henry Road 

    No waiting at any time restriction increased by 4m outside no. 39.

    The exact location of these changes can be seen on the map below. 

    Modification map

    These changes hope to resolve some of the objectives received. If you have previously objected to the scheme but would like to withdraw that objection due to the above changes, please let us know by replying to this email at GCCparking@atkinsglobal.com and provide your name and address.

    Any additional representations must relate to the modifications only. Alternatively, any representations can be sent in writing to the Assistant Director of Legal Services, Shire Hall, Westgate Street, Gloucester, GL1 2TG.

    Comments must be received no later than 4th November 2022.