Adult Social Care: Fairer Contributions Policy Consultation

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Consultation has concluded.

Consultation Update - December 2024

At its meeting on Wednesday 4 December 2024, council’s cabinet approved changes to the policy with effect from April 2025,.

All proposed changes were subject to the revised Fairer Contributions Policy receiving the necessary funding when the council’s 2025-2026 budget was set by full council in February 2025. The funding was confirmed on 19 February 2025 and the changes will go ahead as planned from April 2025.


If you would like to view the cabinet papers for this consultation:

  • Watch a short video which shares key points from the consultation outcome report’s executive summary

If you have any queries, please contact 


Adult Social Care: Fairer Contributions Policy Consultation

Adult Social Care services are paid for by the county council with contributions from the individuals it supports. People can be charged for their care and asked to make a contribution in line with their financial circumstances. The council wants to make sure its fairer contributions policy is clear, accessible, and fair, to support individuals with choice and control over their care.

Following a public engagement in 2023, the council has reviewed its fairer contributions policy and is proposing changes which include:

  • Increasing the Minimum Income Guarantee (either for everyone or for some), and a change to the Disability Related Expenditure process, which may allow some people to keep more of their income
  • A change to how the council charges for short break and respite care
  • The introduction of an admin fee for people who pay the full cost of their care but wish the council to arrange care and support services on their behalf.

There will be no changes to the fairer contributions policy, and therefore no changes to how residents are assessed to pay for their care, until public consultation has concluded, and all feedback has been considered.

Consultation Mandate

[1] We Gloucestershire County Council (the County Council) 

[2] are seeking the views from people with care and support needs who the policy applies to now and in the future, the public, and other organisations with and interest and influence  

[3] on changes to some aspects of Gloucestershire County Council’s Adult Social Care Fairer Contributions Policy which sets out how and when people are charged for their care and asked to make a contribution in line with their financial circumstances. 

[4] The illustrations focus on 4 key areas: 

  • increasing the Minimum Income Guarantee (either for everyone or for some),  
  • a change to the Disability Related Expenditure process,  
  • how the council charges for short break and respite care and  
  • the introduction of an admin fee for people who pay the full cost of their care, but wish the council to arrange care and support services on their behalf. 

[5] This is so that the Lead Members of the Council at Cabinet 

[6] can make a decision on anrelevant changes to the policy, which may change the amount someone is charged for their adult care and support service 

[7] in Autumn 2024*

[8] To ensure that the revised charging policy is fair and supports individual choice, control and independence. 

*Recommendations will now be made to cabinet at its meeting in December 2024

How to respond and have your say

Take Survey

The consultation closed on Monday 6 May, at 5pm. 

Focus Groups 

We are looking for people from across the county to participate in face to face focus groups to share their views on our Fairer Contributions Policy.

The focus groups will be held during May. If you would like to take part, please contact us at

Privacy Notice 

We don’t require you to provide us with any personal data as part of this survey. Any personal details you choose to provide in your response will be subject to the Data Protection Act and handled accordingly.

Comments made may be publicly available after the project has closed and we may also include them in the form of a report on the results of the engagement exercise, but any personal information will be kept confidential.

Your personal information will be properly safeguarded and processed in accordance with the requirements of privacy and data protection legislation. For further information, please visit our adult social care privacy policy.

Consultation Update - December 2024

At its meeting on Wednesday 4 December 2024, council’s cabinet approved changes to the policy with effect from April 2025,.

All proposed changes were subject to the revised Fairer Contributions Policy receiving the necessary funding when the council’s 2025-2026 budget was set by full council in February 2025. The funding was confirmed on 19 February 2025 and the changes will go ahead as planned from April 2025.


If you would like to view the cabinet papers for this consultation:

  • Watch a short video which shares key points from the consultation outcome report’s executive summary

If you have any queries, please contact 


Adult Social Care: Fairer Contributions Policy Consultation

Adult Social Care services are paid for by the county council with contributions from the individuals it supports. People can be charged for their care and asked to make a contribution in line with their financial circumstances. The council wants to make sure its fairer contributions policy is clear, accessible, and fair, to support individuals with choice and control over their care.

Following a public engagement in 2023, the council has reviewed its fairer contributions policy and is proposing changes which include:

  • Increasing the Minimum Income Guarantee (either for everyone or for some), and a change to the Disability Related Expenditure process, which may allow some people to keep more of their income
  • A change to how the council charges for short break and respite care
  • The introduction of an admin fee for people who pay the full cost of their care but wish the council to arrange care and support services on their behalf.

There will be no changes to the fairer contributions policy, and therefore no changes to how residents are assessed to pay for their care, until public consultation has concluded, and all feedback has been considered.

Consultation Mandate

[1] We Gloucestershire County Council (the County Council) 

[2] are seeking the views from people with care and support needs who the policy applies to now and in the future, the public, and other organisations with and interest and influence  

[3] on changes to some aspects of Gloucestershire County Council’s Adult Social Care Fairer Contributions Policy which sets out how and when people are charged for their care and asked to make a contribution in line with their financial circumstances. 

[4] The illustrations focus on 4 key areas: 

  • increasing the Minimum Income Guarantee (either for everyone or for some),  
  • a change to the Disability Related Expenditure process,  
  • how the council charges for short break and respite care and  
  • the introduction of an admin fee for people who pay the full cost of their care, but wish the council to arrange care and support services on their behalf. 

[5] This is so that the Lead Members of the Council at Cabinet 

[6] can make a decision on anrelevant changes to the policy, which may change the amount someone is charged for their adult care and support service 

[7] in Autumn 2024*

[8] To ensure that the revised charging policy is fair and supports individual choice, control and independence. 

*Recommendations will now be made to cabinet at its meeting in December 2024

How to respond and have your say

Take Survey

The consultation closed on Monday 6 May, at 5pm. 

Focus Groups 

We are looking for people from across the county to participate in face to face focus groups to share their views on our Fairer Contributions Policy.

The focus groups will be held during May. If you would like to take part, please contact us at

Privacy Notice 

We don’t require you to provide us with any personal data as part of this survey. Any personal details you choose to provide in your response will be subject to the Data Protection Act and handled accordingly.

Comments made may be publicly available after the project has closed and we may also include them in the form of a report on the results of the engagement exercise, but any personal information will be kept confidential.

Your personal information will be properly safeguarded and processed in accordance with the requirements of privacy and data protection legislation. For further information, please visit our adult social care privacy policy.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Consultation has concluded.

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