Adult Social Care - Charging Policy Engagement
Contributions to this engagement are closed.
Fairer contributions charging policy review update 30 October 2023
Earlier this year, as part of the review of our fairer contributions charging policy we asked Evolving Communities to conduct a variety of focus groups and one-to-one interviews with individuals, county council staff, sole-traders, charities, and external organisations.
Participants were asked a series of questions to understand people’s views on the current charging policy and how they thought it could improve.
Alongside this, we also created three surveys (one aimed at each of the three groups) which we promoted through local media, the council’s website, social media, drop-in events around the county, and with local partners and organisations.
Throughout this engagement, which took place over the course of 6 weeks from 31 July to 8 September, Evolving Communities spoke in person with 23 county council employees, 11 individuals and 13 people from 11 external organisations. They received 111 survey responses.
A number of key themes emerged such as concern over the level of the minimum income guarantee, the process around disability-related expenditures, information about financial assessments, and the charging appeal process.
These themes are informing our proposals to change the charging policy and we will be sharing recommendations with council’s cabinet in January. You will be able to read these, together with the full Evolving Communities report, ahead of the January cabinet meeting.
In the meantime, we would like to thank everyone who took the time to share their thoughts with us.
The Care Act 2014 gives local authorities the power to charge for some adult social care services. Income from charging is an important contribution to the Adult Social Care Budget to help maintain and sustain front line services.
The amount an individual is asked to pay is established by a means tested financial assessment, underpinned by legislation and policy. The council has some discretion on what income to include or disregard.
The council has decided to review its Adult Social Care Charging Policy.
To ensure compliance with the Care Act 2014 and the Equalities Act 2010 the council wishes to develop a transparent and clear charging policy which:
- ensures that people are not charged more than it is reasonably practicable for them to pay
- is comprehensive, to reduce variation in the way people are assessed and charged
- is clear and transparent, so people know what they will be charged
- promotes wellbeing, social inclusion, and support the vision of personalisation, independence, choice and control
- supports carers to look after their own health and wellbeing and to care effectively and safely
- is person-focused, reflecting the variety of care and caring journeys and the variety of options available to meet their needs
- applies the charging rules equally so those with similar needs or services are treated the same and minimise anomalies between different care settings
- encourages and enables those who wish to stay in or take up employment, education or training or plan for the future costs of meeting their needs to do so
- is sustainable for the council in the long-term
This review may affect all residents of Gloucestershire who are currently, or may in the future, be assessed as being eligible for an adult social care service which is chargeable.
Stakeholder Mapping Session
On Friday 24 March 2023, the Charging Policy Project Team held a stakeholder mapping session to identify members to form a Project Reference Group.
Aim of this engagement exercise
[1] We Gloucestershire County Council (GCC)
[2] need to understand the views and experiences of the public, voluntary organisations, charities, advocacy groups, carers, GCC staff/teams, other Local Authorities (Town, District and Parish Councils) and the NHS
[3] concerning the proposal to review GCC’s Adult Social Care Charging Policy
[4] so that the Lead Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care Commissioning and the Lead Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care Delivery of Gloucestershire County Council
[5] can understand the main issues and opportunities which need to inform any changes to the policy to ensure that it is fit for purpose
[6] in October 2023
[7] to achieve a revised charging policy that is fair and supports individual choice, control and independence around care options.
Focus Groups and 1:1 Interviews
During August 2023, focus groups and one to one interviews will take place involving a number of stakeholders who were identified in the mapping session.
Evolving Communities will run the focus groups and interviews on behalf of the council and will provide a trusted independent position to help gather feedback.Public Drop-in Engagement Sessions
Tuesday 8 August: Coleford Library
- 10:30am – 3pm
- Coleford Library, The Main Place, Old Station Way, Coleford, GL16 8RH
- 01594 833351
- Library access: Automatic doors
- Parking for people with access needs
- Bike racks
- Bus services nearby
Monday 14 August: NHS Information Bus (Gloucester)
- 10am – 3pm
- NHS Gloucestershire Information Bus, Gloucester Cross, Gloucester City Centre
- (alongside NHS Colleagues undertaking blood pressure checks)
Wednesday 16 August: Stroud Library
- 10am – 3pm
- Stroud Library, Lansdown, Stroud, GL5 1BB
- 01453 751651
- Library access: Lift available
- Disabled parking space outside the library
- Bicycle racks outside main entrance
- Bus stops and bus station nearby
Friday 18 August: Tewkesbury Library
- 10am – 3pm
- Tewkesbury Library, Sun Street, Tewkesbury. GL20 5NX
- 01684 293086
- Library access: Bus stop nearby
- Limited on-road parking
- Flat access and automatic doors
- Bike racks outside main entrance
Tuesday 29 August: Cirencester Library
- 10am – 3pm
- Cirencester Library, The Waterloo, Cirencester, GL7 2PZ
- 01285 659813
- Library access: Ramp entrance, and lift
- Bicycle racks next to main doors
- Bus stop nearby
Wednesday 30 August: NHS Information Bus (Cheltenham)
- 10am – 3pm
- NHS Gloucestershire Information Bus, outside M&S on Cheltenham High Street
How to respond and have your say
Survey for Sole traders, charities, and external organisations
The engagement closes on Friday 8 September 2023, at 5pm.
Privacy Notice
We don’t require you to provide us with any personal data as part of this survey. Any personal details you choose to provide in your response will be subject to the Data Protection Act and handled accordingly.
Comments made may be publicly available after the project has closed and we may also include them in the form of a report on the results of the engagement exercise, but any personal information will be kept confidential.
Your personal information will be properly safeguarded and processed in accordance with the requirements of privacy and data protection legislation. For further information, please visit our adult social care privacy policy.