Budget consultation 2022-23

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Consultation has concluded

Have your say! 

We are proposing a budget that will begin building back better for Gloucestershire.

Spending for the year ahead will reach £519.6 million, a rise of almost £37million on 2021/22 levels.

Plans include an extra £100 million for our roads, funding for 26-miles of cycle track from Stroud to Bishop’s Cleeve, a £150 million injection into school buildings, investment in our market towns and high streets and ongoing support and protection of the most vulnerable in our communities. There is also a commitment to continuing investing in Gloucestershire’s fight against covid-19 and in the county’s firefighters.

£14million additional investment is planned for children and young people services, making sure young people are given the best possible start in life and are kept safe from harm with almost £9million set to be invested in services for vulnerable adults and those living with a disability.

A further £1million fund will also go towards tackling climate change, helping us to meet the ambitious targets we have set for the county. We’re supporting healthy and active travel by investing almost £20million in cycle routes across the county. In the region of £1.4million is set aside for essential drainage highways maintenance and £300k will go into a Community Speedwatch Safety Fund to support communities where speed awareness activity like a '20 is plenty' campaign would make a real difference.

Despite the extra investment, we still expect to have one of the lowest council tax levels of any county council.

The budget includes a council tax increase of 1.99%, which will secure around £10.2 million for services and a 1% adult social care levy, identifying around £3.7million to help protect vulnerable adults. Based on a band D property, this equates to a £42 increase.

We continues to challenge ourselves to work more effectively and as a result £13million in savings and efficiencies have been identified for next year, helping to meet increased demand and costs.

We now want to know what you think. Please take a few minutes to complete our short survey. Full details of our proposed budget are at www.gloucestershire.gov.uk/budget2022-23 

Make sure your views are included as part of the council’s decision making process by completing the survey no later than midday on 21 January 2022.

Mark Hawthorne
Leader of the Council

Have your say! 

We are proposing a budget that will begin building back better for Gloucestershire.

Spending for the year ahead will reach £519.6 million, a rise of almost £37million on 2021/22 levels.

Plans include an extra £100 million for our roads, funding for 26-miles of cycle track from Stroud to Bishop’s Cleeve, a £150 million injection into school buildings, investment in our market towns and high streets and ongoing support and protection of the most vulnerable in our communities. There is also a commitment to continuing investing in Gloucestershire’s fight against covid-19 and in the county’s firefighters.

£14million additional investment is planned for children and young people services, making sure young people are given the best possible start in life and are kept safe from harm with almost £9million set to be invested in services for vulnerable adults and those living with a disability.

A further £1million fund will also go towards tackling climate change, helping us to meet the ambitious targets we have set for the county. We’re supporting healthy and active travel by investing almost £20million in cycle routes across the county. In the region of £1.4million is set aside for essential drainage highways maintenance and £300k will go into a Community Speedwatch Safety Fund to support communities where speed awareness activity like a '20 is plenty' campaign would make a real difference.

Despite the extra investment, we still expect to have one of the lowest council tax levels of any county council.

The budget includes a council tax increase of 1.99%, which will secure around £10.2 million for services and a 1% adult social care levy, identifying around £3.7million to help protect vulnerable adults. Based on a band D property, this equates to a £42 increase.

We continues to challenge ourselves to work more effectively and as a result £13million in savings and efficiencies have been identified for next year, helping to meet increased demand and costs.

We now want to know what you think. Please take a few minutes to complete our short survey. Full details of our proposed budget are at www.gloucestershire.gov.uk/budget2022-23 

Make sure your views are included as part of the council’s decision making process by completing the survey no later than midday on 21 January 2022.

Mark Hawthorne
Leader of the Council

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
    Consultation has concluded
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