Survey for NHS staff
This project is an Operational Review to assess the efficiency and effectiveness of the in-house bed based reablement services, to ensure the Council makes best use of all available resources.
As a colleague who is working in Gloucestershire’s Health and Social Care System, your feedback is essential and will help us understand what is good about the service, what has worked well in the past and how we could improve our offer.
Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. Once we have reviewed your feedback and comments, we will share our findings with you.
There are two parts to the survey below. The first part asks about Wheatridge Court, and the second asks about Great Western Court. If you only have experience of one setting, you can skip questions you do not wish to answer.
If you have any further comments, would like to communicate your thoughts in another format, or have any questions, please contact us by emailing or telephone 01452 324374.