B4063 Gloucester to Cheltenham Cycleway Scheme - Oxstalls Lane to Elmbridge Court New Cycleway Survey
Consultation has concluded
The Gloucester to Cheltenham Cycle route is part of the wider ambition for a Gloucestershire Cycle Spine route, extending across the county from Stroud in the south to Bishop's Cleeve in the north. The Cycle Spine will create a significant cycling and walking network across the county, and represent a step-change in terms of quality and connectivity. For more information click here.
As a result of successful applications for both the Levelling Up Fund and Active Travel Fund, the sections from Bishops Cleeve to Cheltenham and through Gloucester City Centre (sections in red) are also being developed. The next section to be taken forward to detailed design is Elmbridge Court to Oxstalls Lane, and is the subject of this consultation.
The section of the scheme from Elmbridge Court Roundabout to Arle Court roundabout is currently under construction. For details on this section and the improvements made following the comprehensive review that took place with Active Travel specialists after the consultation, please refer to the website: www.gloucestershire.gov.uk/B4063.
The current consultation focuses on the next section, between Oxstalls Lane and Elmbridge Court Roundabout. The final section (to follow) will be from Estcourt Road Roundabout (including the roundabout) to Gloucester City Centre and this will have a separate consultation at a later date.
The proposals for the cycle track from Oxstalls Lane to Elmbridge Court roundabout is a mix of cycling provision; predominately fully segregated single direction cycle track (stepped level) on both sides of the carriageway, with a length of segregated 2-way cycle track (footway level) and a short length of shared use (due to limited road width).
When will the work start and finish?
The programme is currently being finalised, but it is anticipated that work will commence in 2023, and is anticipated to take a year.
Construction Impact
We contact you directly if we think access to your home or front garden will be temporarily affected during construction, and we will work with you to address this. The construction will be daytime hours wherever possible in order to minimise noise disturbance to people in their homes, although some works might need to take place in the evening or overnight. Before we start construction, the contractor will agree what they will do to manage noise and traffic to try to keep disruption to a minimum.
A 'Meet the Contractor' event will take place at a later date once a contractor to deliver the works has been appointed.
Impact on Travel
Whilst it is too early to confirm the exact arrangements required to manage traffic during the works, we will be maintaining access to businesses and residents and will be working hard to minimise disruption to the travelling public. Lane closures will be required to provide safe working space for the contractors, but will be kept to a minimum. Some full night closures will be required, but residents will be given adequate notice in advance.
The Survey
This survey asks for your opinion on our plans to improve the opportunities for safer cycling between Gloucester and Cheltenham along the B4063 in the section between Elmbridge Court roundabout and Oxstalls Lane.
Your answers are anonymous and any personal data managed in line with the GCC GDPR policy, which can be read here. You will only be contacted in relation to this survey if you sign up for the B4063 Cycleway scheme news bulletin at the end of the survey.
The survey responses will be combined into a report which will be read by councillors and senior officers at Gloucestershire County Council. The responses will help us determine why the scheme is important to you, how the scheme can help tackle climate change and improve congestion between Cheltenham and Gloucester, as well as improving health and wellbeing.