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DriveFit Pre Programme Questionnaire

Your school or organisation has signed up for the DriveFit programme, a road safety initiative delivered in partnership with your setting and Gloucestershire Fire and Rescue Service.

Before you take part in the programme, please complete this anonymous questionnaire to help us improve our service.

Thank you for your participation.

Maximum 255 characters


Select option


Are you already driving, or do you plan to learn to drive?

* required

How confident are you in your ability to drive safely in various conditions (e.g., rain, nighttime, or heavy traffic)?

* required

How often do you engage in hazard perception practice while driving or as a passenger?

* required

Are you aware of the “drive safe mode” on mobile phones?

* required

How would you rate your understanding of the risks associated with distracted driving (e.g., texting, using a mobile phone)?

* required

Have you ever felt pressured by friends or peers to drive unsafely (e.g., speeding, taking risks)?

* required

Do you believe you have sufficient knowledge to make safe decisions as a new or learner driver?

* required

What are your current driving habits regarding speed limits?

* required

Do you feel prepared to handle emergencies or unexpected situations on the road (e.g., sudden stops, hazardous weather conditions)?

* required
Statement 1