Local Development Guide (LDG) Consultation
Consultation has concluded...
The purpose of the Local Development Guide is to provide information to local planning authorities, developers, and all stakeholders on the types of infrastructure where Gloucestershire County Council may seek funding to mitigate the impacts of the proposed development; to make it acceptable in planning terms.
The Local Development Guide needs to be periodically reviewed to ensure it reflects the latest published national and local guidance. The existing Local Development Guide was adopted in March 2021.
The public consultation is open from Monday 8 July until Sunday 29 September, at 5pm.
Subject to any material changes required in response to the representations received through this consultation period, a second consultation may be required to conclude the review process.
If a second public consultation is required, this will commence in November 2024 for a period of 4 weeks.
The aim is for an updated Local Development Guide to be adopted by Gloucestershire County Council’s Cabinet in March 2025.
To respond to this survey click on the link below.
The survey can also be made available as a hard copy, please contact StrategicPlanning@gloucestershire.gov.uk.
The survey closes on Sunday 29 September, at 5pm.