GFRS Response Review - Pulse Survey (proposed change in shift patterns)

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You said, we listened

Thank you to everyone who has provided feedback so far on the ongoing response review consultation.

Gloucestershire Fire and Rescue Service is committed to hearing your voice.

Following feedback and comments obtained from the focus groups, please find below a short survey designed to allow further feedback on the proposed changes in shift patterns.

Currently GFRS operates a 9 hour day and a 15 hour night shift; 4 periods on and 4 periods off.

The cabinet paper based on the data modelling suggests a 12 hour day shift and a 12 hour night shift between 9am – 9pm / 9pm – 9am is optimum for delivering improvements in Response, Prevention, Protection and other essential duties enabling us to provide the best service to the communities we serve.

However, we recognise that the impact of change is different for everyone, and we want to gather further views on the length and start times of a proposed change in shift patterns.

We look forward to receiving your further thoughts and comments on our proposals for shaping our Fire & Rescue Service for the future to ensure we continue to provide the best possible level of protection to the communities of Gloucestershire.

You said, we listened

Thank you to everyone who has provided feedback so far on the ongoing response review consultation.

Gloucestershire Fire and Rescue Service is committed to hearing your voice.

Following feedback and comments obtained from the focus groups, please find below a short survey designed to allow further feedback on the proposed changes in shift patterns.

Currently GFRS operates a 9 hour day and a 15 hour night shift; 4 periods on and 4 periods off.

The cabinet paper based on the data modelling suggests a 12 hour day shift and a 12 hour night shift between 9am – 9pm / 9pm – 9am is optimum for delivering improvements in Response, Prevention, Protection and other essential duties enabling us to provide the best service to the communities we serve.

However, we recognise that the impact of change is different for everyone, and we want to gather further views on the length and start times of a proposed change in shift patterns.

We look forward to receiving your further thoughts and comments on our proposals for shaping our Fire & Rescue Service for the future to ensure we continue to provide the best possible level of protection to the communities of Gloucestershire.

Page last updated: 08 May 2024, 04:53 PM