A new Economic Strategy for Gloucestershire
A new Economic Strategy is being developed for Gloucestershire by the County Council and GFirst Local Enterprise Partnership.
This strategy will support our county’s short-term economic priorities for the next five years and provide a long-term view to 2050. The final strategy document will include an overview of the Gloucestershire economy, plus a set of actions to deliver a strong and inclusive economy for our communities and businesses. This strategy builds on previous economic strategies for Gloucestershire including the Strategic Economic Plan and the Local Industrial Strategy.
Engagement process
As part of our strategy development, an engagement document has been produced which sets out the broad priorities, ambitions and actions that will underpin the future strategy.
This public engagement represents the second of three engagement stages of developing the economic strategy.
- The first stage was to engage with key local stakeholders to understand their priorities for the new strategy.
- The information gained through this process has informed the production of this public engagement document.
- The final stage in the process includes a set of focussed stakeholder workshops.
A copy of the document is available to download at: Public Engagement Document - Gloucestershire 5-year Economic Strategy
(This file may not be suitable for users of assistive technology. To access the content please visit this fully accessible link.)
Please note that it is not a draft version of the final economic strategy.
As part of our engagement process, we welcome your views on the key strategic themes identified so far and set out in our engagement document. Thank you for your feedback and taking the time to respond.
How to respond
To respond to this survey click on the link below.
Take Survey
The survey can also be made available as a hard copy, please contact communications@gloucestershire.gov.uk or telephone 01452-427554.
The survey closes on Friday 15 September, at 5pm.

A new Economic Strategy for Gloucestershire
A new Economic Strategy is being developed for Gloucestershire by the County Council and GFirst Local Enterprise Partnership.
This strategy will support our county’s short-term economic priorities for the next five years and provide a long-term view to 2050. The final strategy document will include an overview of the Gloucestershire economy, plus a set of actions to deliver a strong and inclusive economy for our communities and businesses. This strategy builds on previous economic strategies for Gloucestershire including the Strategic Economic Plan and the Local Industrial Strategy.
Engagement process
As part of our strategy development, an engagement document has been produced which sets out the broad priorities, ambitions and actions that will underpin the future strategy.
This public engagement represents the second of three engagement stages of developing the economic strategy.
- The first stage was to engage with key local stakeholders to understand their priorities for the new strategy.
- The information gained through this process has informed the production of this public engagement document.
- The final stage in the process includes a set of focussed stakeholder workshops.
A copy of the document is available to download at: Public Engagement Document - Gloucestershire 5-year Economic Strategy
(This file may not be suitable for users of assistive technology. To access the content please visit this fully accessible link.)
Please note that it is not a draft version of the final economic strategy.
As part of our engagement process, we welcome your views on the key strategic themes identified so far and set out in our engagement document. Thank you for your feedback and taking the time to respond.
How to respond
To respond to this survey click on the link below.
Take Survey
The survey can also be made available as a hard copy, please contact communications@gloucestershire.gov.uk or telephone 01452-427554.
The survey closes on Friday 15 September, at 5pm.