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Early Years Providers funding rates for 2025/26

Early Years Sector – Funding Formula Consultation

In December 2024, the Department for Education confirmed local authorities hourly funding rates for financial year 2025/26. 

Each LA must determine their own funding formulae and consult with its Schools Forum group and early years providers before the rates for the financial year are set.

Gloucestershire’s Schools Forum agreed with the 2 options presented at the meeting 16th January, 2025. These options have subsequently been approved at Cabinet, subject to the call-in period.  

The LA is now able to consult with the Early Years sector.  This consultation is your opportunity to tell us which of these options is your preference. Once officers have analysed all your responses, the LA will adopt the option preferred by the majority of providers that responded to this consultation. Assuming there is no change to the proposed options following the call-in period,  the LA will confirm the funding rates to all providers by the end of February 2025.

Consultation closing date is 14 February.

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Locality of EY provision

* required

Type of EY provision

* required

Day care type

* required

Funding rate options

NB Base rate is the hourly rate passed to providers for all children claiming entitlement.

The difference between option 1 and 2 relates to the split between the basic and the deprivation rate. Option 1 adds 1p to the current deprivation rate and option 2 adds 2p.


Please select your preferred option for the distribution of the Early Years nursery funding hourly rates from the options above.

* required