Bed Based Care Equipment Loan Protocol Engagement

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The county council is seeking to establish a new joint approach between Gloucestershire County Council, the Integrated Community Equipment Service (ICES) and the care home sector regarding the responsibilities and management of equipment provision to registered/non registered care homes for adults.

A draft Bed Based Care Equipment Loan Protocol has been co-produced working in partnership with a multi-disciplinary team of practitioners and Care Home Providers at a workshop held with the Gloucestershire Care Home Providers Forum.

The purpose of this draft document is to:

  • enable NHS and social care commissioners and equipment prescribers to understand their obligations in relation to people living in registered care homes for adults
  • enable care home providers to understand their equipment obligations to residents and clarify who is responsible for funding the equipment
  • Clarify the assessment process for the provision of equipment in a registered care home for adults
  • Clarify the responsibilities for the provision and collection of community equipment for adults living in registered care homes across Gloucestershire
  • Provide a shared language to improve understanding.
  • Streamline access to service provision
  • Maximise the use of resources

We want to hear from as many Care Home Providers located in Gloucestershire as possible. A link to the draft protocol is available below.

How to respond

Take Survey

The survey can also be made available as a hard copy via post, please contact or telephone 01452-427554.

The engagement closes on Friday 28 February, 5pm and will be used to inform the final document.

Privacy Notice

Gloucestershire County Council provides the below services through its Adult Social Care Directorate and in partnership with several organisations. We need to collect information about you in order to provide these services. Depending on the service we may collect information about your family and other people associated with your case. We will retain your personal information in line with our Records Retention and Disposal Schedule, or as long as we are legally required to.

There may be reasons for us to keep your information for longer than is stated, such as if you have an open complaint about the services received, for evidence to defend a legal claim or if we are required to by law. The Council is required by NHS Digital to retain paper copies of the Carers Survey and the Adult Social Care surveys until the publication of the final reports. After this point the information will be destroyed securely in accordance with the council’s records retention and disposal schedule. We will keep anonymised data about you indefinitely for data analytical purposes to ensure that we can assess, evaluate and plan our services for the future.

Adult Social Care often works with external services and partners to deliver our services. Sometimes some of the information held by social care staff will need to be shared with external partners as well as staff working in other Council departments, this is to ensure you receive proper care, support and treatment. Sharing this information also helps avoid you being asked for the same information more than once. For further information, please visit our Adult Social Care Privacy Notice.

The county council is seeking to establish a new joint approach between Gloucestershire County Council, the Integrated Community Equipment Service (ICES) and the care home sector regarding the responsibilities and management of equipment provision to registered/non registered care homes for adults.

A draft Bed Based Care Equipment Loan Protocol has been co-produced working in partnership with a multi-disciplinary team of practitioners and Care Home Providers at a workshop held with the Gloucestershire Care Home Providers Forum.

The purpose of this draft document is to:

  • enable NHS and social care commissioners and equipment prescribers to understand their obligations in relation to people living in registered care homes for adults
  • enable care home providers to understand their equipment obligations to residents and clarify who is responsible for funding the equipment
  • Clarify the assessment process for the provision of equipment in a registered care home for adults
  • Clarify the responsibilities for the provision and collection of community equipment for adults living in registered care homes across Gloucestershire
  • Provide a shared language to improve understanding.
  • Streamline access to service provision
  • Maximise the use of resources

We want to hear from as many Care Home Providers located in Gloucestershire as possible. A link to the draft protocol is available below.

How to respond

Take Survey

The survey can also be made available as a hard copy via post, please contact or telephone 01452-427554.

The engagement closes on Friday 28 February, 5pm and will be used to inform the final document.

Privacy Notice

Gloucestershire County Council provides the below services through its Adult Social Care Directorate and in partnership with several organisations. We need to collect information about you in order to provide these services. Depending on the service we may collect information about your family and other people associated with your case. We will retain your personal information in line with our Records Retention and Disposal Schedule, or as long as we are legally required to.

There may be reasons for us to keep your information for longer than is stated, such as if you have an open complaint about the services received, for evidence to defend a legal claim or if we are required to by law. The Council is required by NHS Digital to retain paper copies of the Carers Survey and the Adult Social Care surveys until the publication of the final reports. After this point the information will be destroyed securely in accordance with the council’s records retention and disposal schedule. We will keep anonymised data about you indefinitely for data analytical purposes to ensure that we can assess, evaluate and plan our services for the future.

Adult Social Care often works with external services and partners to deliver our services. Sometimes some of the information held by social care staff will need to be shared with external partners as well as staff working in other Council departments, this is to ensure you receive proper care, support and treatment. Sharing this information also helps avoid you being asked for the same information more than once. For further information, please visit our Adult Social Care Privacy Notice.

  • Take Survey
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Page last updated: 28 Jan 2025, 09:49 AM