Who will use the cycleway and is there a demand for it?

    There is significant independent and impartial evidence that providing high quality cycle infrastructure increases the number of cyclists. We know that cycling in parts of Gloucestershire is in excess of the national average, particularly in Cheltenham, where good infrastructure exists. In addition, we are following government guidance to deliver better cycling and walking infrastructure found in Gear Change, the Department for Transport (DfT) vision for cycling and walking in England. 

    This highlights that 2020 saw a 46% increase in cycling, evidencing the potential that exists for this mode of travel if low traffic routes and routes segregated from traffic are available.  

    The new cycleways will be suitable for all users, including the young, elderly, disabled and the less mobile. The route will provide separation from traffic wherever possible, to further attract those who would previously not have considered cycling or did not feel confident to cycle along the road. 

    The need for a cycle route between Cheltenham and Bishop’s Cleeve has long been recognised. Currently, cyclists have to either navigate a busy A road or use routes through Cheltenham Racecourse land to travel between Cheltenham and Bishop’s Cleeve. There is a real need and desire for a safe and direct cycle link between Cheltenham and Bishop’s Cleeve. 

    Surveys will be undertaken to understand cycle usage following the scheme delivery with monitoring and evaluation to take place as a requirement of the funding. 

    We anticipate initial increases in cycling and further significant uptake in demand as further parts of the cycle spine route through Cheltenham and Gloucestershire are completed. 

    What is proposed for footways?

    A high-quality footway will be constructed alongside the segregated cycleway on the east side of the A435 Evesham Road. The footway will be set between the cycleway and the Cheltenham Racecourse, rugby club and fields, away from the carriageway. 

    Some sections of Shared Use Path are required where site constraints prevent width for both segregated cycleway and footway, such as over the GWSR bridge and the Hyde Brook bridge.

     The west footway will be removed between the Hunting Butts Farm access and the bridleway near the Garden Centre. A new signalised crossing will be installed on the north arm of the Cheltenham Racecourse Roundabout and a crossing point with a pedestrian refuge island will be installed near the Garden Centre. These will provide crossing points to allow people to cross from one side of the road to the other.

    Have alternative route options been considered?

    Honeybourne Line tunnel 

    There are several factors as to why taking a route through the tunnel would be challenging and would not be desirable for many. 

    These include: 

    Demand and benefit: This route option would only be of benefit for those travelling directly between the end of the current Honeybourne Line and Bishop’s Cleeve. It would not be of use or desirable for those travelling to large areas of the north and east of Cheltenham and locations such as large employers, University campuses, schools, the Cheltenham Racecourse, Pittville Park and the main town centre area. By providing a cycleway route along A435 Evesham Road, cyclist connectivity is provided to a larger residential catchment (compared with other routes), which encourages cycling to be taken up as a mode of transport as lack of access is often a barrier to cycling in the first instance. 

    • Land purchase: Significant land purchase from private landowners and Gloucestershire and Warwickshire Steam Railway (GWSR) would be required. It is worth noting that GWSR currently use the railway line from between the tunnel and the Cheltenham Racecourse station. 

    • Tunnel works: Significant large scale and high-cost works would be required to make the tunnel usable and safe for people to use. 

    • Maintenance: Costs for maintaining the tunnel would be very high. 

    • Safety: Many people would not feel safe to be using a rural long tunnel, particularly in darker hours even if lit. Due to its remote location, it could attract antisocial behaviour. 

    Cheltenham Racecourse

     There are several factors as to why taking a route through the Cheltenham Racecourse would be challenging and would not be desirable for many. These include: 

    • Longer: It is a longer and less direct route between Cheltenham and Bishop's Cleeve. 

    • Land purchase: Significant land purchase from the Jockey Club and possibly from Gloucestershire and Warwickshire Steam Railway (GWSR) would be required to meet the design criteria specified by LTN1/20 Cycling Infrastructure Design and Active Travel England. 

    • Cheltenham Racecourse events: Cheltenham Racecourse hold many events and festivals throughout the year and as well as access issues during events there would be conflict between attendees and cyclists. 

    • Safety: Many people would not feel safe using a long rural route, particularly in darker hours even if lit. 

    What is proposed across the GWSR Bridge?

    The carriageway over the Gloucestershire & Warwickshire Steam Railway (GWSR) railway bridge on Evesham Road will be realigned to the west and a section of Shared Use Path 3 metres in width will be constructed across the railway bridge on the east side. This will link into a segregated cycleway and footway either side of the bridge.

    What is happening at the GE Roundabout, Bishop’s Cleeve?

    Due to the speed and volume of traffic at the roundabout, each highway arm will have new push button signalised crossings installed. These will help pedestrians and cyclists to cross the junctions safely.

    Is a lower speed limit being introduced?

    To comply with the LTN1/20 Cycling Infrastructure Design requirements, minimise the need for additional land and improve road safety for all users, we are proposing to reduce the current de-restricted 60mph speed limit to 40mph along the A435 between the Cheltenham Racecourse Roundabout and the Garden Centre. This will join into the existing 40mph to the north and an extended 30mph to the south.

    Will the route be street lit?

    Yes, the plan is for the currently unlit section of the route between the Cheltenham Racecourse Roundabout and Bishop's Cleeve to be fully street lit.

    What is happening with regards to hedgerows and trees?

    A435 Evesham Road from the current highway boundary to the new highway boundary further east. 

    The existing hedgerow is made up of both native and non-native species, which as a consequence does not support biodiversity in the best way. In building the cycleway the opportunity has been taken to not only relocate the hedgerow but in doing so only to transplant those species which are native to the UK and then strengthen the relocated hedge with the introduction of a new UK native/non-invasive species rich mix of shrubs and trees.

    A species-rich mix is defined as one containing 6 or more species. Species may include: Hawthorn, Field Maple, Guelder Rose, Hazel, Spindle, Crab Apple, Holly and Honeysuckle. 

    This will provide an improved hedgerow over time, both visually and in terms of biodiversity and benefits to a wide range of wildlife species. The hedgerow species selected will support a wider range of biodiversity than the existing non-native species. 

    Species will be chosen in collaboration with an ecologist and adjacent landowners (where for example species possibly poisonous to livestock will be omitted). 

    We will look to enhance the hedges with tree growth where this is appropriate. 

    Hedgerow relocation and replanting works are planned to commence in February 2024, in advance of the bird nesting season and the start of construction works in Summer 2024.

    How is this being funded and what is the cost?

    The funding for these schemes is designated for active travel schemes only and cannot be used for other works such as pothole repairs or general maintenance. Gloucestershire County Council went through a rigorous bidding process to secure the funding from central government and had this been unsuccessful, the money would have been allocated to other local authorities for cycling schemes elsewhere in England. 

    Gloucestershire County Council have secured over £40 million of funding to date for the 26-mile cycle spine between Stroud and Bishop's Cleeve. Funding has been secured from Sustrans, National Highways, Department for Transport (DfT) bids for Levelling Up and Active Travel, Developer S106 contributions and alongside this Gloucestershire County Council have committed Capital Funds. 

    The total scheme cost for the delivery of both Section 1 and 2 of the A435 Cycleway is in the region of £12 Million. 

    When will the scheme be constructed?

    Section 2 - Cheltenham Racecourse Roundabout to the GE Roundabout, Bishop's Cleeve will be delivered in two phases: 

    • Phase 1: GWSR Bridge to the GE Roundabout, Bishop's Cleeve. Construction is planned to start in summer 2024. 

    • Phase 2: Cheltenham Racecourse Roundabout to GWSR Bridge. The scheme design for this section is currently being finalised and will be made available later this year, with construction planned for 2025. 

    To facilitate the new segregated cycleway and footway alongside A435 Evesham Road, between the GWSR Bridge and Bishop's Cleeve, the relocation and replanting of the hedgerow is required. This will consist of relocating and replanting the hedgerow from the current highway boundary to the new highway boundary, which will sit further east between the new cycle/footway and fields and Cheltenham Racecourse land. The initial relocation and replanting works will take place in advance of construction works. 

    Construction of Section 2 will see significant geotechnical works (pilling and land stabilisation where the carriageway is failing) and earthworks being carried out. This means that the road will require lane and full road closures for periods of time to carry out these tasks safely and as quickly as possible. 

    Construction of highway schemes are managed to complete the works as fast as possible and minimise disruption, whilst maintaining the safety of workers and ensuring a high standard of work can be carried out. 

    Traffic management, such as temporary signals and road and lane closures, are put in place to enable the works and to protect the safety of workers and road users and should be respected at all times. 

    Further traffic management information will be available once a contractor has been appointed.

    Have Cheltenham Racecourse events been considered?

    The main Cheltenham Racecourse events have been factored into the planned construction programme and measures will be taken so that works during these events are either stopped or reduced to ensure that as little disruption is caused as possible. 

    The usual event traffic and pedestrian management will be in place throughout these events. 

    How can I stay informed about the scheme?

    The following channels will be used to communicate scheme information: 

    • Gloucestershire County Council scheme webpage updates 

    • Letters to affected residents 

    • Emails to affected stakeholders 

    • Gloucestershire Cycle Spine newsletter 

    • Contractor newsletters 

    • Media releases 

    • Gloucestershire County Council social media - Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn